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Horizon Village & Resort

A Guide to Starting Yoga in Chiang Mai


Go on a Yoga Retreat & Learn How to Start Doing Yoga

in Chiang Mai

If you plan to pursue a healthier and more mindful lifestyle, starting yoga in a picturesque setting like Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, could be an excellent way to begin. In this guide, we’ll cover essential yoga basics, share tips for beginners, and explain why Horizon Village & Resort is the ideal place for your yoga retreat in Chiang Mai.

Wat Phrathat Doi Saket in Doi Saket, Chiang Mai


What is Yoga?

Yoga integrates physical postures, breath control, and meditation. Originating in India over 5,000 years ago, it has evolved into various styles and practices, each focusing on enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga enhances flexibility, strength, and balance. Regular yoga practice improves concentration and sharpens the mind through focused breathing and meditation practices. Yoga helps regulate the body’s stress responses and can reduce anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

Regular yoga practice can boost vitality and reduce fatigue, giving you more energy throughout the day. Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises, enhance lung capacity and improve respiratory efficiency, which is vital for overall health. The movements and poses in yoga have also been found to help stimulate organs and release toxins, facilitating detoxification.

Yoga for Beginners

Hatha Yoga is often recommended for those just starting their yoga practice. This type of yoga focuses on physical postures and breath control, providing a slower pace that allows beginners to learn each pose comfortably. The practice of Hatha Yoga is a great introduction to the basic yoga postures or asanas. 

Basic Yoga Poses

Starting yoga can be as simple as practicing a few basic poses. There are a few foundational poses ideal for beginners, including the Mountain Pose (Tadasana), which teaches basic alignment and is a starting position for other standing poses. The Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a staple pose in many yoga routines that strengthens and stretches the entire body. Meanwhile, the Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) is a series of poses that are great for building strength and endurance. The Tree Pose (Vrksasana) enhances balance and concentration by standing on one leg.

Tips for Yoga Beginners

Consistency is key when learning yoga. Practice regularly to gain the benefits. Some poses may be challenging initially, so avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you start to feel pain. Yoga is about gentle progression and listening to your body’s capabilities and limits. 


A woman starting yoga practice outdoors


While doing yoga, focus on your breath. Learning breath control will help prolong and deepen the poses and increase relaxation. If you want to make sure you’re getting a good foundation, consider joining beginner classes. Learning from an experienced instructor can provide guidance that will benefit your practice. 

A Yoga Retreat in Doi Saket, Chiang Mai

Horizon Village & Resort’s expansive grounds, including its beautifully landscaped Tweechol Botanical Garden, are ideal for a yoga retreat. Relax, unwind, meditate anywhere in our resort, and learn yoga with experienced instructors. Usually, an instructor will demonstrate how to start doing the yoga poses to the class and provide tips and corrections. Whether you’re learning on your own or as a group, yoga sessions can be held outdoors in a garden or lawn area or indoors in a meeting or conference room.

A Relaxing Stay at Horizon Village & Resort

We have everything you need for a meaningful stay that complements your yoga practice. Stay in our comfortable Lanna-style accommodation, enjoy healthy dishes cooked with fresh ingredients, have a rejuvenating massage session, and get close to nature in our botanical garden.

During your stay, you’ll have a chance to learn more about Northern Thai culture. Perhaps join a cooking class and learn about traditional Lanna cuisine or tour our 100-year-old Lanna-style house turned museum and cooking studio. 

If you plan on starting a yoga practice, join a Chiang Mai yoga retreat at Horizon Village & Resort. Enjoy the serene and welcoming environment for a relaxing and restful stay. Plan your trip today.

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